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Указатель литературы

Haux G. Tauchtechnik. Band 1,2, New York, 1970.

Man's extension into the sea. Transaction of the joint symposium, Wash., D. C, 11 - 12 Jan., 1966.

Manned underwater platforms. University of New Hampshire technikal report, 1972, N 111.

Project Sealab summary report. ONR report ACR-108, Wash., D. C, 1965.

Projekt Tektite I, - a multyagency 60-day saturated dive* ONR report DR 153, Wash., D. C, 1970.

Progress into the sea. Transaction of the symposium 20 - 22 oct.# Wash., D. C, 1969.

Scientists in the sea, Wash. D. C, 1971.

Tektite II medical supervision of the scientists in the sea. Texas reports on biology medicine, 1972.

The working diver. MTS symposium proceedings, Ohio, Columbus, 22 - 23 febr., 1972.

Vaissiere R. L'Homme et le monde sous-marine, Larousse, Paris, 1969.

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